Top 2 Reasons to Implement Email Marketing in Your Real Estate Biz

The top 2 reasons why I teach▫️email marketing▫️as an integral part of your real estate business:

1. You don't own your Instagram page. Once a week I hear of people getting locked out, hacked, etc and lose everything 😩 and have to start over! With your email list, you can simply export your list every few weeks and save yourself if by chance you somehow got locked out of your email platform (which I rarely hear of happening anyway!)

2. All the good things you share have a short life on Instagram. Your stories last 24 hours and your reels and feed posts are only pushed to your following for a limited time. This means your community will miss lots of what you share. Since one's email inbox is less crowded than Instagram, your email list is much more likely to see your email, open it, and get ALL the good stuff 💌

Want to learn more about email marketing and so much more? Join my last one-on-one mentorship opportunity. With four weeks of hands-on support, the INSPÎRE Mentorship Program will help you implement my tried and true tactics to grow your business organically, through relationships, social media marketing, and referrals.


I'm Val Weber, CEO & Founder of The INSPîRE Society for real estate agents and I'm going to humble brag for just a sec so you know I'm legit! 😉 I have been a full time real estate agent for over 8 years in Charleston, South Carolina (and also Naples, Florida, for a hot minute) and I have been given several awards such as: Realtor of Distinction (Top 10%), Real Producer (Top 500 Agent), and Female Agent Changing the Industry.

I'm super proud to say that I have consistently grown my business year after year (I even doubled my business last year). The best part about it is that it all comes to me via social media, referrals, and repeat clients. I built The Dream real estate business and I can't wait to help you do the same.

Follow me @thecharlestonhome to have a peek at my social media presence (I earned $130k in real estate commissions via my Instagram last year!)

@the.inspiresociety to follow along for my current and upcoming offerings to help you grow a fun & thriving biz!