Mid Year Check-in | 2019 Goals & Resolutions
photo by dreampop media
When was the last time you thought about your New Years resolutions? January 2nd? LOL. But seriously— have you taken any time to check in with yourself? We are halfway through the year and I’m reflecting on where I stand and where I need to readjust my focus.
Let’s not forget that we set these goals and made these resolutions for a reason. They still matter. Perhaps for some of us, priorities have changed between January 1st and today and that’s OK. But for the resolutions that remain important to you, how much progress have you made so far?
Below I have copied and pasted my exact list from my January “Reflections and Resolutions” blog post for 2019:
Pay off student loans
Renovate master bathroom
Bonus: renovate kitchen
Reach my goal weight
New sales goal and salary goal
Move my body more! Find some exercise I enjoy
GET OFF MY PHONE. (I just got this for my car to literally get off my phone while I’m driving). The nature of my business means I essentially work 24/7. Many things are time sensitive. If there are any other real estate agents or business owners that have any tips for me, please send them my way!
Keep meditating. Maybe do so a little more
Get out there! Be more social
Eat better
Spend more time on my blog
I’m making good progress on about 50% of this list. Good thing we are only 50% through the year! :)
Keep reading for an update on each.
Pay off student loans. I’m about to make a good sized payment towards them that’s going to put a dent in about 20%. Even though that means I still have 80% to pay off this year, that still feels REALLY good and it keeps me motivated to keep chipping away at it.
Renovate master bathroom. Check! Wooooo!!! What my original intentions were, is done. Along the way I decided to tackle the wall and pocket door while we’re at it. That should be done in a month or two.
Bonus: renovate kitchen. Oh, wouldn’t this be nice! May at least have some savings put aside for it, though.
Reach my goal weight. I actually ended up going to the doctor to have this checked out, along with a couple other concerns. There doesn’t seem to be any true issue, however there is an explanation. Unfortunately I haven’t lost any weight yet but there’s still time…
Move my body more! Find some exercise I enjoy. This has been a success so far. In March I started going to Orange Theory twice a week and I’ve been liking it a lot!!! It forces me to exercise much harder than I could convince myself to do on my own. I love that the heart rate monitor we wear for class tells us our heart rate and calories burned and in turn, tells us how hard we are pushing ourselves. It’s a tough class regardless but I like knowing when my heart rate is in the green and when I should push a little harder to get into the orange.
New sales goal and salary goal. In this business you can never count your chickens before they hatch, which I don’t. But that being said, I prefer to remain optimistic anyway. If all my clients’ homes that are under contract right now close as scheduled, I’ve already come very close to my goals for the year. I can hardly believe that. I feel honored to have already been of service to so many wonderful clients and we are only halfway through the year!
GET OFF MY PHONE. This one is a struggle. I’m addicted to my phone. There, I said it. The nature of my business makes it really hard to detach myself from it. I’m trying to take baby steps like leaving my phone in the car while I grocery shop. I need to do this more. Send help.
Keep meditating. Maybe do so a little more. I was doing OK earlier in the year and totally lost my groove. The good news (but also bad news because the schedule sucks), my husband has a new job where he works second shift. I’ve always been better at meditating before bed than in the morning so now I’ll have that quiet time to myself most nights.
Get out there! Be more social. This comes in spurts. I haven’t been seeking out opportunities as much as I should but if they are presented to me, I make an effort to embrace them and commit. I’ve found that the older I get, the more introverted I get. Which is ironic considering part of the reason why I think I’m so good at my job is because I’m a good “people person"…
Eat better. I haven’t made too much progress on this except a couple relatable baby steps: I’ve been taking vitamins every day, and I’ve gotten produce from Community Support Grocery (HIGHLY recommend by the way!) a few times, which forces me to eat more veggies and more local and organic food.
Spend more time on my blog. I haven’t necessarily spent more time, but I have not spent less time. It’s a lot of work! But I have so much I want to share so stay tuned, and thank you for the support so far :)
We have about six months left to 2019. I can hardly believe we are so close to July already. Let’s kick it into gear, y’all!!!